martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

All for Nothing?

All for Nothing?
“… acquired characteristics are not inherited.” (Pg.23) For many this might be a logical statement, but, in the context of Dawkin`s The Selfish Gene it makes you judge it. Why is life then so hard? In the end all of what we worked for or acquired will be worthless. “No matter how much knowledge or wisdom you acquire during your life time, not one jot will be passed to your children by genetic mean.” Why do we suffer the pains of school? Why then should we work hard to get the best grades? The answer comes back to genes and its selfishness for surviving.

“A body is genes` way of preserving the genes unaltered” (Pg.23) We are nothing more and nothing less than genes survival machines. DNA is our boss and life is DNA vs. DNA. Knowledge and wisdom, although worthless for genetic transmission, are advantages for a survival machine. Machines would be generally judged based on abilities and skills. Which car goes faster? Which computer can store more information? Which cell phone has a better camera resolution? However, it is the programming, engines, chips etc. in this machines that make them do what they are. As humans we compete for the fastest, strongest, prettiest within others. Then again our chip, our brain is utterly important.

A combination of all of these is needed in order to achieve the perfect survival machine. This will of course vary depending on the specie, but for humans it works this way. Take for instance high school. The strong guy will never get beat up, the handsome guy will be popular, and the nerdy guy will excel in grades. There is always another side for each story as there is for this one. The strong guy could maybe be ugly and never fit in, the handsome guy could be retarded and fail school, and the nerdy guy will most likely be bullied. However in comes the perfect guy: out-going, smart, and cute. He is the perfect combination and he will excel in every aspect of life, granting him a bigger chance of survival.

Sadly our society revolves around money and its acquisition could almost guarantee survival. The owning of this resource can in many times make up for failures in characteristics like the ones previously discussed. Food that keeps you healthy and alive is obtained by money. For the most, money can guarantee you a mate. It can also buy surgeries and products to preserve beauty. Pretty much, you’re screwed without money. This is why; genes manipulate their survival machine indirectly into the acquisition of money as well as acceptance in society. 

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