domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

The Random Introduction- Reading Blog Chapter 1(pg 1-22)

The Random Introduction

 The main character reveals itself in a peculiar, yet personal way. He shares with the reader anecdotes, thoughts, and facts in an exclusive manner which exposes his personality. At times he might seem crazy since he switches thoughts abruptly with no explanation. This character has some very odd characteristics like staying up late calling old friends, the swift and stiff way in which he presents his family, and his random connections. He always tempts to go back to the song:
My name is Yon Yonson,
I come from Wisconsin.
I work in a lumbermill there.
The people that I meet when I walk down the street,
They say “What's your name?"
And I say,
 My name is Yon Yonson... 
He thinks about it when he thinks about his book on the Dresden massacre. This might be because he might unconsciously think that by writing a book about war, the cycle of learning about a war, having a war, writing the story of a war and then repeating itself might be similar to the never-ending cycle of the song. Another very interesting realization made by him is that the only creatures who sing after a massacre are birds, at the end of the chapter he reveals that the ending of his book will be Poo-tee-weet (bird sound). It actually makes a lot of sense and is in a way poetic. 
The desire and passion he has to write a book narrating his story is constantly distinguished.  Normally, this would provide enough inspiration to sit down and immediately have ideas flowing out of your mind filling out a million pages. Nevertheless, he has an extremely hard time remembering. It comes to the point where he compares his memory failure to an “old fart”.  This uncovers either his avoiding or getting over of the situation since he is joking about it. The character suggests a lot of things, it`ll be with the story that we will evaluate him based on what he lets us know.  

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