domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Billy`s Silly and Difficult Words- Reading Blog Chapter 2(pg 23-37)

Billy`s Silly and Difficult Words

 Ø  Senile(23): old, confused and often forgetting things

 Ø  Spastic(23): an insulting word for someone who is not good at doing physical things or who is considered stupid.

Ø  Shaft(26): the main part of something long and thin, not including the end
Ø  Rumpus room(27): room used for noisy activities

Ø  Flibbertigibbet(29): A silly, scatterbrained, or garrulous person

Ø  Chaplain (30): priest working in school, hospital, or army.

Ø  Anodized(31): process used to thickening metal

Ø  Umpire (31): person deciding who is right in argument.

Ø  Furlough(32): period away from job or armed forces

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